Hey everybody, sorry for the no post weekend, i had to go on a trip! Well i had to go to a morris ale meaning a beer party really but its where lots of morris dancers around the area show up ( that includes some people from the UK) and dance and drink till 4am!! On Friday it started and i had to leave during school to get to Malibu and i got there on time. Now you might think “Ahhh Malibu nice warm weather…” lets just say it was 60 or 70 degrees around 7 or 6am in the morning.

Unfortunate for me that the wind woke me up around 5am each morning and i couldn’t go back to sleep. But i do remember around 11pm or 12am at night i could hear either drunk morris dancers or dancing morris peeps.My team was put a small cabin and it was really hot.On Saturday i went with a few other teams to go touring in a big bus.(there were 3 buses taking different teams to different stops.)But behind all the commotion i made a friend!! He was from Morton Bay Fig morris group and we were always walking around and talking wait for them to serve breakfast.His name was Henry and he was nice guy i hope to see him again.Ah ok back to the main topic, which is what happened this weekend. Enjoy :)

Morris ale

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