Last weekend i went to see Iron Man and there was this girl behind me who kept giggling (Iron man isn’t a funny move) which seemed like every 5 minutes.Until some woman walked over and told her to “shut the hell up” and IT WORKED! About 2 days ago i went to Prince Caspian with my mom and stepmom and there was this kid behind talking about the movie and announcing some of the scenes in his loud litttle kid voice. Movies can go from the romantic movie date to a reason just to get out of the house. I drew comics of things that have happened in the movies the most recent or just random things i remember.

Its true, chickens hate me and so do rubber bands but thats a different story. At the horse ranch i go to there was this evil rooster named Roo Roo or Rozilla. This rooster was really evil and if you bent down to tie your shoe, he charged at you and pecked. This chicken was more evil then any other chicken and one the worst things that happened i drew in the comic below.

I’m redoing the character page because last time i didn’t include all of the characters and i bet some peeps in my class want to see how i draw them.
My character page now includes ALL of the characters! Hope you like it. : )

At the beginning of my school year i got on this drawing spree and started drawing some people in my class. Of course my drawing spree ended after a month or so. I drew some of the girls and then i drew the boys (since there are only 5) and they kept getting creeped out. Some people in my class have told me numerous times to QUIT DRAWING THEM for my blog. Ian is one who hates it the most and drew a picture of me which im going to post with my comic (note this does not look like me!!) These are the reactions of when i draw some peeps. Oh yeah and you guys get to comment on which drawing you like better …Ians or mine.

At my school we have a special class called “Eurithmy” and its taught by a woman named Miss Von Hous (the name sorta gives it away). We had it a few months ago but now its coming back. All my classmates think its sorta retarded and don’t want it again. Eurithmy your probably thinking…..What the hell is that!? I don’t really know what it is but i do know that its where you move around and put your arms up in the air. The teacher reminds me of someone lost in New York City and they’re being reeeaallly polite (which is hard to do in New York). A few months ago we had a Eurithmy performance and i invited my great grand mother and her response was so weird i wanted to do a comic about it.

A while back the guys created a rough version of tag where you punch people(not that hard). The point was to punch them 3 times and then you wouldn’t be it anymore. You can also get rid of the punches if you kick them before the last punch.Of course i kept getting punched and kept becoming it! Then i saw an opening but…i screwed up and…oh just read the comic!

No this post is not about people its just i couldn’t think of a great headline. Ever since i was about 6 or 7 i was sometimes mistaken for a boy. I didn’t look like a girl really, i was sort of weird cause i thought being a tomboy i had to dress like a boy. It only was really visible that i dressed like a boy in 4th grade. My friends didn’t really care but as i got older i got out of the “dress like a boy” phase. But in 5th grade i got mistaken for a boy more often because i cut my hair reallly short. It slowed down at about 6th grade but sometimes i was mistaken still for a boy. Now i dress not like a boy now but some retards still mistake me for A BOY!!! I don’t get i grew my hair out and its in a pony tail and i don’t really look like a boy. So now i going to show you a selection of comics of when i was mistaken for a boy and please comment on which you think is the funniest one. Here are the comics below.