A few days ago as you may know my horse had a baby horse. we had to think of a name for him and i had a name seggestion. First of all whos Akon? And how did i grow to like the name? I think it all started when i was playing a video game and i had to name my chicken. Akon suddenly poped into my head and has been there ever since.Last time someone told me he was a rap guy and then i thought it was a name of a medication. But this is what happened when i suggested the name. Enjoy the comics.

Theres this girl at my horse ranch that got a pony for Christmas. Shes about 6 and that when little girls get in the “can i have a pony?” or “what do you want for your birthday?” little girl:A PONY!!! phrase. Of course i think deelila asked for a pony and…her parents and grandparents gave in. But shes going to outgrow cookie (her pony) in a year or so. Shes a total adult and i mean shes nice to my friend zoe, but not me. i get pissed off easily at her because she punches me on the shoulder instead of asking me to stop helping her tack up her pony. Me getting beat up by a 6 year old…here are the comics.

This weekend i had a sleepover at a horse ranch with my friends. Yeah that doesn’t really sound like a sleepover but the reason i went was because we were waiting for our horse to give birth. My horse friends came to see and she gave birth at around 5am. The colt (boy) was ssooo cute!! You know it only takes an hour for a baby horse to stand? It took him twenty minutes. Ok back to the original topic, at this sleepover at about 10 or 11pm my friend started talking in her sleep and it was so funny i made a comic about it. Of course though i don’t think she was asleep half the time….whatever it was funny.

For those of you out there who don’t know what manga is then you should read the following sentence. Manga is a Japanese style of drawing and is read from right to left(this originated from japan). Okay now that we got that straight lets get to the main topic. I bring different manga to school to read and my friends don’t understand why i bring them. So i drew some answers i got from me bringing manga and one panel might not make sense…the one with john saying “Why Japan?” It was from talking about places we wanted to go for the summer and i said japan. Enjoy the comics! oh yeah a new page is coming and its called “Donated Art”. Oh yeah and in the first panel they asked me why it was rated teen and i answered them.

No i’m not deserting the blog and leaving. I just couldn’t think of a good title for this. Some of the people in my class are leaving and i wanted to give them a goodbye on my blog. The people who are leaving are Ryan and Rachael. Ryan said he didn’t understand why i would say goodbye in my blog.

Never take advice from your grandmother. My grandmother as you know is a sucker for cats and loves Mimis (see earlier comics). Last weekend or so my mom was talking to her and she asked this question “Do you think cats would enjoy reading? If so what would they read?” My mom was stunned by this question and told me how she didn’t understand. But back to the main topic, so my stepmom and i were fighting on friday and then my mom called her mom on Sunday to talk. She started talking about us fighting and my grandmother said the weirdest word of advice that i had to make it into a comic.

No i didn’t get crushed by something i was trying to write crushes and i wrote crushed and i like it. So a few months ago i went to my friends Bat Mitzvah and i saw all all my old friends there. I was really exited to see my old friends and we were going to talk about whats new like who we like or whats new in school. My friend and i started