When i was wanting to turn in games i went to game stop and well back then games i turned in got more money.Now that the gamecube isn’t that popular anymore,the games i sell go for very little money. And now someone has told me the gamecube games can be played on the Wii! More reason to buy that and turn in my gamecube. This is what happened when i turned in my games. Comics below…
A few weeks ago or maybe now a month ago i went to a horse show with 2 of my friends from horseback. It was in watsonville and it was a fun drive there and fun drive back.when we got there its sort of hot and none of us were really hungry.But of course i was sent out to scout for food. I found food and well we wait till maybe about 2 or 3 to walk over cause our horse teacher was talking someone.and so our story begins….
YAY!! its my birthday!! I’m turning 14!! I have to change the age thing on my blog!! oh well even though I’M not here my computer is and it updates for me while I’m away! I’m soo happy. So this post is special but each time my birthday comes around i know school starts just as soon eheh. So with pleasure i present to you my birthdays from 10 to 14. why start at 10? Cause i don’t remember any other bdays before that. Oh well enjoy and COMMENT!!

I have probably seen more movies this summer then i have the whole trimester which is somewhat sad. But i also have had time to catch up on my favorite shows like Ace of Cakes or Dr. Who. The summer to me usually meant video games all month or im going to eat chips and be a couch potato! Ever since the summer began i learned the lovely channel surfing and well thats how i found hellboy. But since my day is packed with activities all the time i have to watch tv is early in the morning and at night. But one late night i was channel surfing and came upon many shows that seem funny i would write about them. Comics are below…
No this not about my embarrassing moments mom ,she hasn’t done anything stupid lately. Of course theres only one strip with my other mom and i think she deserves some attention. Shes always the somewhat goofy and joking kind of person that still doesn’t know how to use a PS2 controller. Loves reading mysteries and playing them on her computer.When she got a resident evil game, she couldn’t play it cause she didn’t know all the buttons. I played it and then didn’t know how the hell to shot, i died by an old man hitting me over the head with a pitchfork. i love her and i always used to tell who i had a crush on (not now!) So with goofiness i present the comics….there are below…