September, 2008 Archives

Every body doesn’t understand that 5th grade for me….sucked!! I mean yeah we got a pretty dorky teacher(no not the funny dorky teacher) I was very dorky myself and well i was always pretty behind when it came to immature talks. Course i wouldn’t know what bitch meant i was in 5th grade!(although i might of just been behind more then ever) All of these events leading up to this one….asking if i was a virgin.

5th grade

“what are you talking about!? you are little!” me:” IM NOT LITTLE!no no not that kind of little!” “oh….i like the first one better…” I didn’t know how to start the post besides i haven’t posted in a while but ironically i’ve had about 1 to 3 views a day….as opposed to 0 views a day!! *sighs* *clicks on keyboard* Well i finally had enough time to update and this post is well about my attitude when i was 4, 6, or 8. its mostly about my beloved plush animal….Enjoy..

Little rowen