As all my friends know i don’t have any fathers in my family only moms and well you don’t really know which one is which when i refer to mom. When i was talking about one of my parents one of my friends asked “which one?” and i said the “fat one” and she replied ” but they’re all fat!” so here below is a handy dandy survival mom guide

A few days ago a horse, me and my friend sabrina rode, was put down on thursday. He was an old stubborn horse who we deeply loved and shared. His name was dude and he was 20 years old (which is sorta old for a horse) I got told on friday by a mom whose daughter was riding too. Lily said that he probably is in a better place and he was put out of pain. Which made me feel better. Now below isn’t comic.Its a picture of sabrina and dudes butt a week before he died….I tired to do sound but it was being retarded….

As many of my friends know I’m short for my age…I mean its even harder when everyone in my class is freaken giant! But they don’t realize till I’m next to them! Its not that i was really really short when i was younger i just grew very slowly. Right now i’m 4’9″ and my mom? Shes 4’9″ and 7/8 as she says which means that shes almost 4’10” but not…

About a month ago (i would’ve loved to post it sooner trust me.) Our class was studying anatomy and as a class activity we gutted a raw chicken. A lot of us were disgusted but when she pulled out he the chickens heart the mood changed and it started with just one question.
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays because its so fun and despite what people say its fun to go trick or treating.Of course i dressed up but went nowhere and handed out candy which wasn’t bad. Heres what went down.