Last Thursday was a complete mess but maybe i should explain what i do on thursdays first. Okay so my school gets out at 1pm on thursday and since as a 8th grader i need community service i volunteer there from 1 to 2:30pm as an aftercare assistant. After an hour and a half i go horseback riding with sabrina. Thats the plan but this week it went horribly wrong. 
Have i told you guys about eurithmy yet? i think i have because its part 2. We have a new teacher this semester. Her names ms. Wiler and shes sort of mood swingy. The comics below…

Here is a quick overview of what happened in my week in L.A.
As i told you guys before, i went to L.A. for the weekend and well now i’m back! And these posts are even more twisted then last year and not to mention more disgusting. I had a great time seeing old friends, walking, working on my russsian accent for my play, eating frozen yogurt.You name it. Well of course theres one thing that is always changing when i go down and thats my granma. I hope you guys heard of her if look in earlier posts. Besides the post below is some things that happened.