Ever since twlight came out i’ve been avoiding it as much as possible since i hate big fads and i am not interested in a pale skinned vampire. But if you like twlight thats fine its just if your in love obsessed with edward and you think hes the “perfect” boyfriend and you proceed telling me this over and over then yeah i don’t like that. anyway me and my mom were watching harry potter and the goblet of fire and i was talking about how i wanted to stop “new moon” from coming out she said something….
well hi peepciples i had to post soon! i have to be at a wedding this weekend and my scanner wasn’t working so well soo…did i mention the wedding is in Oregon? Ok more good news is that i just ended a week of volunteer service at my local art center. The kids were so cute! they i thought i was amazing for my drawings and bombarded me for hugs. Oh yeah and my new high school choice excepted me anyway enough about me and on to the comic. This comic is dedicated to my crush….who hopfully doesn’t read this blog 
heylo people who read my blog. As i said before not much has been happening thats funny and or interesting. But last weekend when i went to see the movie “up” something funny happened. I’ve been busy this summer. I have a short story to write as well as read a ton of books but thats the fun part. The bad part is learning how to touch type on my computer every day. But enough rambling onto the comic.