November, 2009 Archives

HAHA you never thought i would bring you mold pt 2 but i did!! actually i should be uploading actual recent events. i have comics piling up. I’ve been rather busy again with school but nothing to out of the ordinary. Good news is i got a cozy warm blanket and i finished my play. Bad news is my Grandma had a stroke, but shes ok. She can’t really speak but shes getting better as the days go by. The way my mom tried to notify me though was funny. she posted on facebook about it and thought i would see it since i was on but i didn’t so she told me on Friday.

Mold pt 2!!

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ok sorry for not posting for a…week? My stepmom magali got back from her 2 1/2 months in oregon 2 weeks ago. As a homecoming gift she discovered mold in the fridge which i was to busy to notice. i was really busy getting ready for my play and midterm. The last 3 months i’ve been ensemble in our school musical “spitfire grill” and next week we’re having our opening night!! the bad thing is i have to stay up till 10 each night this week…Haha its a “to be countinued” strip! Tune in next week to discover what exactly is in the fridge!! oh and happy halloween p.s. i was a ninja!

mold pt 1