November, 2010 Archives

we went to the de young, in san francisco to see the impressionist show. very crowded. two hour car ride up and back. chris brought his computer, so i played plants vs zombies.

museum trip

no, i’m not depressed. i don’t know why i drew this. shadows?

depressed girl

i donna know. i was bored, so i drew people with wings.

people with wings

going to dances is fun, but not waking up the next morning. blech.

before and after the dance

my friend, eric, drinks red bull, you know, red bull gives you wings, i thought what it might be like if he believed it.

red bull gives you…splat

i’m shorter than my friends, so they sometimes give me head rubs. i like it, but it messes up my hair.

Head rubs

my friends helped man the booth at APE. Chris, Devon and Olivia. thanks guys. here is what they said happened.

Manning the booth at Ape

my mom’s first attempt at making granola

bird seed

my friend didn’t know the words to “I kissed a girl”, so started making shit up.

I kissed a squirrel

a girl at school…I was talking about how it seemed her boobs had grown.
