val_day_thumb.jpgYou guessed it and i know its late but i couldn’t resist.*Sigh* Valentines day the day of loovveee!At my school it was a no dress code day and we could dress up however we wanted!Course i didn’t have anything weird i could wear to school. It was really cold that day so i thought of wearing a jean jacket with a tank top (odd combo) since i don’t really wear them that often. BAADDD MIIISSTTAAAKEE!!! My friend Elise sprayed my hair pink and i inhaled it in (bad thing #1) and started coughing insanly. Some of the girls and i went into the class to talk and then i went outside to see who was outside. Eric started giggling and grabbed something out of his backpack. The full comic is below featuring Lily and some girls with no names and ryan. :)  val_day.jpg 

My valentines day sucked

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