killing_kittens_thumb.jpgSorry i haven’t been posting that often i’ve been busy. Some of my friends went to Tahoe or Oregon or somewhere fun and i got to go to art camp. This past week i have been going to a art camp full of peeps who are younger then me.On the 1st day this girl named Emily was apparently my “best friend” along with a copying 8 year old (coughing after you cough, laugh after you do) Now we had this great idea to build this bunny for an art show that was coming up. So Emily wanted to build this out of clay and kept bugging me on how much did clay cost? She called me about 5 or 6 times telling me “sofie (the 8 year old) won’t pick up!” or “how much does clay cost?? Can you look it up on the internet??” or “i only have $2.50 and i can’t pay for the clay, so you gotta pay for it”.Oh well we never did get it done but beside that everytime i swore, she said i killed a kitten. ug so i thought of this comic. killing_kittens.jpg 

Killing kittens

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