my birthday was yesterday actually but still i decided to make a birthday comic. last weekend my morris team held a morris ale* and a day after was my birthday. I will post a comic and maybe a few pictures of the ale. we had much fun but were dead tires after. the comic i made after everything happened on my birthday. i was dead tired though yesterday..but i got a laptop and a wacom tablet!! anyways heres the comic..slugs_butt1 copy

my birthday

This last week i was helping out at a local art center where kids were hanging off me limb to limb..i showed them my comics and this one girl was laughing so much at them even though she probably didn’t get it all.haha kids are so interesting the way they think of things. Anyhow my weeks been busy and schools coming up soon which im not exactly excited about. ok ok enough chat comic time! ronnie_poo

Harry potter


Ever since twlight came out i’ve been avoiding it as much as possible since i hate big fads and i am not interested in a pale skinned vampire. But if you like twlight thats fine its just if your in love obsessed with edward and you think hes the “perfect” boyfriend and you proceed telling me this over and over then yeah i don’t like that. anyway me and my mom were watching harry potter and the goblet of fire and i was talking about how i wanted to stop “new moon” from coming out she said something….twilight_harry_potter copy


well hi peepciples i had to post soon! i have to be at a wedding this weekend and my scanner wasn’t working so well soo…did i mention the wedding is in Oregon? Ok more good news is that i just ended a week of volunteer service at my local art center. The kids were so cute! they i thought i was amazing for my drawings and bombarded me for hugs. Oh yeah and my new high school choice excepted me anyway enough about me and on to the comic. This comic is dedicated to my crush….who hopfully doesn’t read this blog crush copy

This year

heylo people who read my blog. As i said before not much has been happening thats funny and or interesting. But last weekend when i went to see the movie “up” something funny happened. I’ve been busy this summer. I have a short story to write as well as read a ton of books but thats the fun part. The bad part is learning how to touch type on my computer every day. But enough rambling onto the comic.

farts_and_obsessions1 copy


So i don’t have any new comics for this week since my week was rather painful and boring. I but almost all of my scrapes, bruises, and poison oak are gone. Anyway i did go and spend time with my family but nothing funny nor interesting happened except for sad goodbyes. My grandmother came but she wasn’t crazy this time so yeah not much has happened! Anyway i’m drawing in a new style soo i have the old style of drawing and new style glaring at eachother.Tell me which one you guys like betterold_and_new2 copy

New and old

I haven’t posted in a while yeah but i’ve had a lot on my mind. 1st of all my high school choice is not going next year so i have to go to a different school. and second i’ve been feeling awful the last 1/2 week. But one other reason i haven’t posted was because i was mountain biking which i add  i utterly failed at. I fell off my bike each day i was there and of course on the last day i sprained my ankle.

But enough with the words heres the result after what happened in COMIC FORM!!broken_body copy

Mountain biking

All right i’m back!! i got back on friday and just today i got the pictures. I going to post some of them. Most of them of my and maybe some of the people in my class. Pictures  below enjoy! i’m jumping off a rock in the 1st pic.

5/31/09 12:14:035/31/09 14:33:005/31/09 15:08:046/2/09 12:45:456/2/09 16:12:126/2/09 16:31:306/2/09 20:06:366/4/09 20:50:21

My trip

Okay so this happened  like 2 or 3 days ago and it was right after i posted my last comic. You’ll know what i was doing…i think. Anyway i always heard of people doing this but now it happened to me. Oh and i won’t be here for a week i’m leaving the 29th and coming back a week later. But maybe i’ll post before that maybe not..sock copy

my sock

sorry for not posting in a while i’ve been sick and such. but not much has happened anyway. Except that the comic i’m posting is actually recent like 4 or 3 days ago recent as opposed to a month ago recent. I’m trying out a new art style hope you like it! This happened when i was still sick and i was in a dazed state. We were on our way to a music party.scank copy

love? <3