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I have probably seen more movies this summer then i have the whole trimester which is somewhat sad. But i also have had time to catch up on my favorite shows like Ace of Cakes or Dr. Who. The summer to me usually meant video games all month or im going to eat chips and be a couch potato! Ever since the summer began i learned the lovely channel surfing and well thats how i found hellboy. But since my day is packed with activities all the time i have to watch tv is early in the morning and at night. But one late night i was channel surfing and came upon many shows that seem funny i would write about them. Comics are below…


No this not about my embarrassing moments mom ,she hasn’t done anything stupid lately. Of course theres only one strip with my other mom and i think she deserves some attention. Shes always the somewhat goofy and joking kind of person that still doesn’t know how to use a PS2 controller. Loves reading mysteries and playing them on her computer.When she got a resident evil game, she couldn’t play it cause she didn’t know all the buttons. I played it and then didn’t know how the hell to shot, i died by an old man hitting me over the head with a pitchfork. i love her and i always used to tell who i had a crush on (not now!) So with goofiness i present the comics….there are below…

Mi madre

For the last 4 years i’ve been riding horses and in the summer my teacher,Gwen, has a horse camp. Besides riding i have to do cleaning and grooming as well. Like cleaning the water buckets, cleaning the stalls, helping out with the little kids. I mostly mess up when Gwen isn’t around and its usually better that way. I ride with all girls except Gwen has a 13 year old son. He hates riding and only comes around when hes forced. The girls i ride with actually I’ve never been with all of them at the same time so I’m not sure if they would all get along. Sorry for the rambling but below are comics of what has happened and how stupid i am sometimes.

horse camp

Ever since i read what hellboy was about i got really interested to see the movie. But i also wanted to see the 1st hellboy. Hey i sort of thought the big red devil guy was cute. My mom wants to see hellboy cause she wants to see how well the story is done and of course my stepmom is going for the special effects only. A few nights ago i saw maybe half of hellboy I and i didn’t know what the heck was going on but i liked it. Here is a comic of what i did after i saw half of the movie.


Since my mom doesn’t work at a company and works as a freelancer she has her own hours. Meaning she can stay up till maybe 3am on a project but takes time also to pick me up and make dinner. Her weird hours change often depending on what type of job it is. During the time i’m going to school she has to pick me up and that means taking half an hour away from her working time. She sometimes has to stay up till 2am and then get up early which isn’t really good.The comics below are times when shes on less then 5 hours sleep.


I get scared easily and so does my mom. Its like if someone walks down the steps and you don’t notice them and they say something and you scream. Even when i know someones behind me and they try to scare me…. i scream. My friends have noticed this and some ignore it and some take advantage of it and scare the begeezzes out of me. The comics below are times when i’ve been scared out of my wits and some of it is really dorky.


My mom, as people who know her, is embarrassing and she can’t help it, she doesn’t notice. She doesn’t say embarrassing moments that happened when i was young, NO she repeats stuff i say that i DON’T want repeated to my freaken crush! But i do remember she said something really embarrassing in front of my carpool…… or was it my crush? i forget but it was embarrassing. My mom is not strict really just sort of picky but when shes angry you wish you had the ability not to hear. But my mom to others is a really strict person when it comes down to me getting in trouble. But my mom is also dorky and funny in a good way.Here are the moments in my life when i wish my mom would just SHUT UP!!!

Embarrassing moments

Nobody probably likes getting sick in the summer unless your going somewhere you hate that day and you miss it. Of course i only get sick once or twice a year and usually when i get sick its a stomach bug. Like last year i had a stomach bug a day after my birthday and i had to get on a plane, not FUN. Of course summer has started a now i have a stomach bug and i hate it. here is my day shown in comic form and no it doesn’t show me barfing.

summer sickness

A few days ago as you may know my horse had a baby horse. we had to think of a name for him and i had a name seggestion. First of all whos Akon? And how did i grow to like the name? I think it all started when i was playing a video game and i had to name my chicken. Akon suddenly poped into my head and has been there ever since.Last time someone told me he was a rap guy and then i thought it was a name of a medication. But this is what happened when i suggested the name. Enjoy the comics.


Theres this girl at my horse ranch that got a pony for Christmas. Shes about 6 and that when little girls get in the “can i have a pony?” or “what do you want for your birthday?” little girl:A PONY!!! phrase. Of course i think deelila asked for a pony and…her parents and grandparents gave in. But shes going to outgrow cookie (her pony) in a year or so. Shes a total adult and i mean shes nice to my friend zoe, but not me. i get pissed off easily at her because she punches me on the shoulder instead of asking me to stop helping her tack up her pony. Me getting beat up by a 6 year old…here are the comics.
